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Illegal rerun # 1647

Written by Yogi.

2017-03-07 18:47:53

Bemærk: det er ikke et officielt rerun! Det fratager rerun-writeren ikke fra ansvaret (også fordi det her stort set ikke handler om løbet).

Ikke mange har lagt mærke til det (fordi han ringede til en ven største del af tiden), men under vores sidste løb, fra Streaky og Harpo, var der en amerikansk gæst. Han har tweetet under vores løb; de tweets har jeg samlet her. Jeg ved ikke om han var glad for det.

(13:45) In Denmark and going to the run. A beautiful, beautiful run!

(13:49) I'll be first. All others second. 'Cause I'm #TheGreatest!

(13:48) A lady's coming that I'll grab by the 'Shakey Pussy!' #Hubbahubba!

(13:51) I'm risking my life! Mexicans kill 50000 people in Denmark each year! It's true!

(13:58) No one in the pack has a gun! Danes are stupid! How are they gonna defend themselves? I'll take the #Limo.

(14:02) WTF? Shakey Pussy is a DUDE! #Disgusting!

(14:04) #Spiderman's the boss. Spiderman's also a real American hero! Not like John McCain!

(14:08) Pepper tells me that the Dutch are the Mexicans of Denmark! Bad (or sick) people!

(14:12) A beautiful, beautiful drink stop in my #Limo!

(14:18) Vladimir's calling! Great, great guy!

(15:59) Coming back to the run! A beautiful run! I wonder how many the Dutch and the Mexicans killed?

(16:01) I'll show those danes how you drink a downdown! #GodBlessAmerica

(16:15) I'm not durnk! I'ts a lei! A lie form bad (or scik) poeple!

(22:12) I was not drunk in Denmark! The pictures of me puking are fake! Denmark is not even a real country! I own golf courses that are bigger than the place!

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