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This is a reply to message 3312.

First message in the thread is 3312.

#1554 - Daugbjerg uptown om lørdagen

Written by Shakey Pussy.

2015-08-18 17:01:37

Detailed and well written ReRun! As the notes from MC were sorely sparse and lacking in both quality and content (trust me, I made them), it seems that the ReRun writer possibly DID NOT drink copious amounts of alcohol at the all-nite party afterwards. He remembers better, and in plenty more detail than yours truly, and as I'm reading his tale, I'm enjoying the weekend experience once again. The lesson: start drinking heavily. gh

Thanx 4 excellent RR, SM. Also thanx to our host and hare CommonCock, for the 12th, consecutive, sleep-over-party-time-Daugbjerg-Rocks event.

p. s. The unknown RA was (a) Soaked Arse. p. s. s. Also SurpriseVisit from BabyBlowJob & family on sunday - Good show! Keep doing that. p. s. s. s. No p. s. s. s.

Love, Your Pussy

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